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Light Sources

The program provides tree types of light sources: ambient, sunlight and artificial light. The ambient light is always present. It doesn't cast any shadows. Its brightness depends on the time of day.

The sunlight (or moonlight at night) adds more light to the scene. This type of light does cast shadows. Its brightness, direction, and color depend on the day time and geographic location. You can turn this light on or off in the Lights tab of the Inspector. To set up the time and geographic location, use the Environment section in the Inspector.

Artificial light sources can be added of removed from your project. These light sources also cast shadows. Most of them are located in the Lamps category of the object library. You can control artificial light using the Lights tab of the Inspector.

The Lighting button in the 3D view app bar switches on or off the sunlight and artificial lights.

Lighting button

Furniture objects have the Cast Shadows option in the Inspector. It lets you deactivate shadows for individual objects. Decreasing the number of objects that cast shadows can speed up rendering of the 3D scene.

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